What’s the Difference Between Wi-Fi and Fiber Internet?

February 21, 2023

Today’s internet technology is indispensable for small businesses. Apart from all the information and data made available at your fingertips by internet access, small businesses can market their goods and services worldwide, communicate with customers, and easily handle any issues.

And fiber internet, as the connection brought to our community by SR Connect gives small businesses access to the fastest, most reliable connection. In this way, we’re proud to help build our community’s economy and keep our businesses competitive.

Understanding the internet options and equipment available today can be daunting. At SR Connect, we know small businesses already have enough on their plate and don’t have the time or resources to take a crash course in IT services! 

So to simplify things, we’ve assembled a brief guide to answer a few of the most common questions about the distinctions between fiber internet and Wi-Fi and how they work together.

We hope the information below will help small businesses make informed choices to keep them better connected and more competitive in today’s global marketplace.

What is Fiber Internet Service?

Fiber internet is an advanced technology that delivers internet at nearly the speed of light—and no, we are not exaggerating! Fiber internet sends its internet signal on thin, tightly compacted glass strands within fiber optic cable, pulsing internet and all of its data into your business at light speed.

Because of its complex and elegant material components, fiber internet receives internet into your office—or “download” and returns data to other servers—or “upload”— at far greater speeds than any other internet technology available today.

And fiber internet can do these tasks simultaneously without the lag or logjam other internet technologies all too frequently experience.

Fiber’s bandwidth capacity is well renowned, too. Because it’s capable of handling and moving so much data, fiber’s massive broadband capacity can support intense projects. So your business will be more productive and efficient than you ever were on DSL, cable internet, or 5G.

What is Wi-Fi?

Once SR Connect’s fiber internet reaches your small business, it needs to be distributed to your office’s devices. And that signal distribution is performed by Wi-Fi technology. It’s helpful to see fiber internet service and Wi-Fi as two distinct but essential technologies working in tandem to provide your business with internet access.

The Wi-Fi router disperses internet data and information to your business’s devices through radio waves. The two frequencies used by Wi-Fi are 2.4 gigahertz and 5 gigahertz. You’ll usually find Wi-Fi routers with one or both of these frequencies.

Without getting too technical, a hertz is simply a measurement of the frequency of an event per second—in the world of computers and the internet, IT experts call the event a “cycle.”

And if you’re wondering, one gigahertz is one billion cycles per second—which means that a lot of internet data is transmitted by your Wi-Fi router every second! In the Wi-Fi context, the higher the hertz (frequency), the greater the amount of internet data transmitted per second.

How Can Wi-Fi Maximize Fiber Internet’s Outstanding Speeds and Reliability?

Compared to the residential internet you may use at home, many small businesses often need to power far more internet-using devices at any time throughout the day.

These include all computers, laptops, smartphones, and tablets used by employees. And any other internet-based technology like security cameras.

Of course, that means that every device shares the same internet signal. And some devices will use far more internet than others, especially those downloading or uploading large quantities of data.

For example, if your business engages in video conferencing, expect large amounts of internet and bandwidth to be used. Other devices and activities use considerably less internet, like many smart devices around the office that only intermittently use the internet to function.

This is why many small businesses employ advanced Wi-Fi technology beyond the basic Wi-Fi router. And one of the best additions you can make to improve your Wi-Fi signal is to set up a mesh network.

A mesh network is an interconnected group of devices set up around your business that work together to provide better internet service. Each corresponding device (often called a node) is linked together, supporting each other and creating a seamless network for internet access at faster speeds than available using a singular router.

Mesh systems usually extend Wi-Fi’s range and speed far better than routers alone or even range extenders. As a result, they are particularly useful for the dreaded “dead zones” often found in corner offices or behind obstructions like walls or large glass windows.

If your business uses one gig of internet speed or more, consider establishing a mesh network to get the most out of your plan.

We hope this information has helped explain how fiber internet and Wi-Fi—especially enhanced Wi-Fi technology and equipment—can make a significant difference for your business.

If you have additional questions or want advice on maximizing your business’s internet service, call the knowledgeable representatives at SR Connect. They are there to help you.

And don’t forget to follow SR Conect’s social pages to learn more about our advanced high-speed fiber network!

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