Frequently Asked Questions

Our mission is to improve the quality of life for our members and the communities we serve. High-speed internet service had not been readily available throughout our local communities, especially the rural areas. We are helping SRE members and local businesses cross the digital divide.

We are also utilizing fiber service by installing SCADA equipment in our SRE substations to decrease electricity outage times and benefit SRE members.

Singing River Electric members asked for this fiber internet service, and we are bringing it to them through Singing River Connect – even in the unserved and underserved areas!

  • Extraordinary service that you have come to expect from SRE’s electric service is modeled for Singing River Connect fiber subscribers. We follow the cooperative model of service that puts the member first!
  • Fast and friendly tech support.
  • Local service. We give you blazing-fast fiber internet from local people you trust.
  • We have identical upload and download speeds, and our speeds are truer to the advertised rate than other providers.
  • NO equipment fees. Check your billing statement if you have service from a competitor to see if you are paying a monthly equipment charge.
  • Fiber all the way to the home. Some competitors rely on fiber AND cable lines. Our build-out is 100% fiber lines all the way from the Network Interface Device to the Gigaspire/router in the home or business. This gives you the fastest actual speeds.
  • No data caps.
  • No installation fees.
  • No more lost connections.
  • Quick response to outages.

We are actively connecting south Mississippi to high-speed fiber internet; however, building a fiber-to-the-home network takes time. Singing River Connect is bringing lightning-fast, fiber-to-the-home service locally to Singing River Electric substation areas. You can text a SRE MSR at 228-591-9166 to see which substation and feeder serves your home or business.

All SRE members in north Jackson County, George, Greene, Wayne, and Perry counties, as well as Washington and Mobile counties in Alabama, have access to SRC fiber internet service. We're still working to build our network in south Jackson County.

Click here to view maps of where SR Connect fiber internet is available.

We announce newly opened fiber areas on social media and in the Today in Mississippi magazine that is mailed to your home along with a postcard and email.

Fiber optics can carry data using light waves, resulting in faster speeds than traditional copper lines. Our fiber-to-the-home network is more reliable than other types of networks and has fewer complications from lightning and other elements. SR Connect's fiber internet allows subscribers to use multiple devices at the same time to watch movies, game, and stream as much as they want.

Contact SR Connect at 877-272-6611 to sign up for service! You can also sign up online following these three steps:

  1. Visit
  2. Enter your SmartHub username and password (the information you use to pay your electric bill). If you're a new user, you can sign up for access.
  3. Click on the SR Connect Fiber Internet link to the left.

We will post updates on this website, We’ll also share more frequent updates on our social media profiles on Facebook, Instagram, and X. Be sure to look up Singing River Connect on your preferred platforms and Like or Follow to stay in the know. You can also read the Today in Mississippi member magazine mailed to you monthly.

Fiber lines follow the power lines, and areas are opened for sign-ups by substation and feeder. SRE members on the same street can be served by different substation feeders.

Fiber construction is different for every member, so before connecting a service, we may be waiting on a 811 locate, a underground crew to be available, or for right of way clearance to be cut.

Frequently Asked Questions for Subscribers

You will begin seeing our contractors working outside your home. They will be constructing fiber from the main line to your home and securing it in an outside box called the NID (Network Interface Device).

We need you to mark any privately-owned utility lines that may not be identified during the 811 underground line locate. For example: water lines, septic lines, or well pump electrical lines.

Once the fiber is run to your home, a SR Connect customer service representative will call to schedule your in-home installation.

Your first bill will be prorated, and you are billed one month in advance for service. Do not be surprised if your first bill is a little higher than expected due to the date of sign-up and installation.

Paperless bills are emailed on the 15th of each month and are due two weeks later. For paper bills to be mailed, a $3 mailing charge will be applied to your monthly bill statement.

Our installers want your connection to be as neat as possible. We can run conduit through your attic and on the inside of your wall so that no wires are seen. However, if you are not comfortable with this, service can be run in traditional ways. 

SR Connect sign-up areas are opened by electric substation and feeder. Some feeders have more homes and businesses in the area, so there are more installations that must take place. Installers also need time to perform a quality installation for all subscribers and answer related questions.

In areas where fiber is already available, installations times are shorter because fiber construction is fully complete.

With increasing postage and paper costs, SR Connect is providing paperless billing at no charge. The $3 paper bill fee covers the mailing and paper costs.